Thursday, December 20, 2012

Night Vision - Essential Part to your Everyday Kit

Police Officer Sean Harris is a veteran Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Operator and Senior Long Range Shooting Instructor from a large North Texas metropolitan city of more than 1 million citizens. He is a FIFTEEN year Police / Investigator veteran in North Texas and a NINE year SWAT / Sniper / Instructor veteran for the city. His previous experience and training began in the early 1990s as a United States Marine Scout Sniper for SIX years.  He made the Distinguished “Honor Man” for his Scout Sniper and USMC Leadership courses and deployed several times as the unit’s Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) Sniper.  He has been the Senior Sniper / Long Range Shooting Instructor for his Law Enforcement department since 2005 and is currently a field operator (in other words, this guy is NOT a desk jockey).

During an interview in late 2010, Officer Harris made a bold statement: “Night vision devices should be part of your everyday kit load out, just like boots, magazines, flashlights, door stops, flashbangs, etc.”

Given his position and expertise, Officer Sean Harris’ comment should not be taken for granted or even questioned. Instead, we should look into WHY he said it…

PVS-14Night vision has changed the way operations are planned out and have made great improvements to their tactics and ability to make highly successful evidence gathering. Night vision also allows for successful high profile arrests all the while keeping the SWAT officers safer and out of harm’s way. Officer Harris stated that using the PVS-14 and the PVS-27 allows him and his team to “get inside the suspect’s OODA loop quickly to increase the officers’ chances of surprise and success without expensive mistakes, time consuming observations, and the dangers of daylight.”

Harris continues, “The night vision has allowed SWAT to make observations and relay intelligence to other operations just as if we were operating during the full daylight. You have the sure confidence and real time observation in the dark long before, and way away, from those being observed. Threats are assessed and relayed back to the front so that critical decisions can be made very quickly. These night vision devices have made it possible for us as Law Enforcement operators to assess dangers and illegal activities, keeping us in the game, ahead of the suspects by a long way. Night vision has allowed us to operate in the dark of night and carry on with the fight when others cannot see. The latest and greatest tools are really helping us out.”

Given the obvious benefits that Officer Sean Harris describes, it’s no secret as to why Night Vision should be part of your everyday kit out as a Law Enforcement officer. As I’ve mentioned before, Morovision exists to improve your SASOC (Situational Awareness, Survivability, and Operational Capabilities). We want to make sure that the men and women who protect us, are protected by providing them with state-of-the-art US manufactured night vision. It is just as essential as your firearm, flashlight, or hand-cuffs. If your agency isn't already equipped with night vision, get a quote here. If you’re worried about funding, check out our post on the 5 Easy Steps to get Grant Money and THEN contact us.

1 comment:

Muhammad said...

This is such an informative post. You have a lot of really great points. I wish I had this post as a resource when I started blogging.
night vision goggles for sale.